
5 Ways to Build a Solid Email Marketing List

Email marketing lists are an extremely powerful way of reaching out to your customers. When you have a good list, you will be able to reach out to these customers multiple times.
Here’s a list of five ways to incorporate email marketing into your website and stay in touch with your best customers.
1.    Build an opt-in form on your homepage.
2.    Include an opt-in option on you About page.
3.    Add an opt-in form to your checkout process.
4.    Integrate an opt-in function into your blog’s comments section.
5.    Consider a pop up form.
These are all good ways to get customers who are visiting your website to become part of your email list. It also gives them multiple options and ways to do so. People might be hesitant to do so right when they get on the homepage, but the more they browse the website the more likely they will fill out the form and become part of the email list.
Have you ever joined a email list from a company’s website? 


In response to Christine’s post: Google’s New Customer Survey Tool

If you were a business owner would you use Google's Customer Survey Tool to find out more about your consumers needs?

I think this is a great way to find out more about your consumer needs. With this type of advertising, companies can find their target markets and what their customer’s wants and needs are. It is also relatively inexpensive.
As a customer, would you be willing to take the time to answer these questions to help out these companies?