
Ways to make your online marketing go viral

Online marketers dream is to have their advertising go viral. It tends to be a very difficult thing to do though. Although it is difficult to have things go viral, you can analyze content that has gone popular quickly and figure out ways to improve your marketing ideas.
1.    Be absurd. Sometimes the more absurd the better. People tend to remember and love the crazier characters.
2.    Capture emerging trends. People will be more apt to share the content if its following trends at the time.
3.    Think in terms of sound bites. Make sure its catchy.
4.    Use infographics. People love things that are visually appealing.
5.    Get influencer buy-in. Endorsements from larger companies can help make content go viral.
6.    Offer outstanding value. Go above and beyond what your competitors are doing
What other ways do you think can help a company go viral with their marketing ideas? 

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