It is important for companies to use social media as a marketing technique correctly. If you use it the right way it can greatly help your organization out. There are ten basic laws that your company should abide by for it to be successful.
1. The law of listening- It is important to listen to what your customers have to say. Pay attention to what your target audience is posting online, and join discussions to figure out what is important to them.
2. The law of focus- It is more important that a company focuses on one thing, rather than multiple. It is better off having highly focused content marketing strategy that intends to build a strong brand, than a broad strategy that tries to do everything for everyone.
3. The law of quality- Quality definitely beats quantity. Its better having less online connections that actually interact with you and your content than having a lot more connections that disappear after they connect with you the first time.
4. The law of patience- Success from social media marketing doesn’t happen overnight. It is more likely that it will take some time, so you have to be patient and commit to achieve the results that you want
5. The law of compounding- When your company publishes quality content to gain those quality followers, they will share the information with their own audience on other types of social media networks. It opens new ways of sharing your information.
6. The law of influence- Try and find the online influencers who have a quality audience as well that would like your products. If you build a good relationship with them, they will likely forward your information on to others, and you could gain an even larger audience.
7. The law of value- Focus on creating great content and developing relationships with your online followers. If you are just spending your time on social media promoting your products, you will lose some of your followers.
8. The law of acknowledgment- Always acknowledge every person that reaches out to you. You wouldn’t ignore anyone that tries to reach out to you in person, so it wouldn’t be right to ignore them online. Relationships are key when it comes to social media
9. The law of accessibility- Always be available to your followers, don’t just publish your information and not respond to anyone. Your followers won’t be hesitant to move on if you don’t respond to them quickly.
10. The law of reciprocity- You need to reciprocate with your audience. If you expect them to share your information, you should probably do the same for them.
What other “laws” do you feel that companies should use to be successful on social media networks?